Previous Step: Field Mapping

Depending on what you have selected in the Configuration tab, the Enrichment tab will either show you enrichment for leads/contacts. In this case, since we had selected “Contacts” in the Configuration tab, it shows the options to enrich contacts. Account Enrichment is present for both Lead and Contacts. 

All new contacts and accounts added to Salesforce are scanned every 15 minutes and enriched provided they match with a record in the Slintel database. 

We also have a One Time Historical Data Enrichment feature that lets you enrich all your existing contacts on Salesforce ONCE based on the selection you have made in the Configuration and Field Mapping tabs. To do this, click on “Enrich Historical Data” and all your old contacts will also be enriched with Slintel’s data. 

For all the Contacts/Leads/Accounts you want to enrich, the same number of Slintel credits will be consumed. 

Exporting Leads and Companies

Pushing Leads

For Leads Bulk Export and Multi-Select:

  1. Go to the Discover page and then the Leads tab

  2. Apply the filter(s) you need and select all the leads for bulk export.

  3. For Multi-select, just Select your leads by checking the box next to Leads instead of selecting all. You can either select the whole page (25 people profiles), all results (maximum of 50000 exports at once) and custom selection. 

4. Click on the Export button, and then click on the Salesforce button and click on Confirm

5. Once you have successfully confirmed, you will get a notification in the Cloud Icon present in the top navbar which says “In progress” 

6. Once the export is over you will be able to see the status of your export (Success/Fail)


[The export was a success in this case]

Pushing Accounts

  1. Go to the Company tab

  2. Apply the filter(s) you need

  3. Click on the Export button

  4. Click on the Salesforce button and click on Confirm


  1. Once you have successfully confirmed, you will get a notification in the Cloud Icon which says “In progress” 

  2. Once the export is over you will be able to see the status of your export (Success/Fail).

Export History

After you have completed exporting you can view your Exports History by going to Settings->History. Once here, select "Salesforce" and the duration from the drop-down menu [Shown below].

There are 4 columns available, here is what they all mean:

  1. Total - Total records selected for export export
  2. Failed - Records Slintel was unable to push
  3. Success - Records successfully pushed
  4. Skipped - Records that were not pushed to Salesforce. This could either be because of no net new update or a prerequisite not being met. For example, while pushing contacts with accounts, if the account push is unsuccessful to Salesforce, we will skip the Contact push too as there will missing data.

Here is what it looks like:

Why did your export fail?

Below are the reasons why your export might have failed:

Accounts Push:

  • Storage Limitation in your Salesforce Account.

  • Daily API Exceeded: Salesforce gives you 10K API hits. If you push more than 10k Leads/Contacts/Accounts to your Salesforce account, it will not let you push any more leads. 

  • Fields that are not available in the SF account but are mapped with Slintel fields. 

Leads/contact Push:

  • Storage Limitation in your Salesforce Account.

  • Daily API Exceeded: Salesforce gives you 10K API hits. If you push more than 10k Leads/Contacts/Accounts to your Salesforce account, it will not let you push any more leads. 

  • Fields that are not available in the SF account but are mapped with Slintel fields.