You can now use the Boolean search on the Leads and Companies pages on the Discover tab. Here are the different ways in which you can use Boolean operators on the search bar:

  • Search by the string for the nearest text match (eg: Walmart Labs)

  • Enclose in quotes for an exact match (eg: "Walmart Labs")

  • Use boolean operators '+' for AND (eg: Taleo+Sparkhire to search for Taleo and Sparkhire both within the same lead/company attributes)

  • '|' for OR (Taleo|Sparkhire to search for either Taleo or Sparkhire within a lead/company attributes)

  • '-' for NOT operations (eg: Taleo -Sparkhire to search for Taleo but not Sparkhire within a lead/company attribute)

Boolean Search on Leads Page

The Boolean search on Leads page on the Discover tab searches for the strings and operators on the following attributes to deliver your results. Your search terms can refer to any of these attributes listed below:

  • Lead name,

  • Lead email,

  • lead titles,

  • lead divison,

  • company_name,

  • company_website,

  • lead_location,

  • company_location,

  • technologies of company,

  • Company_description

Note: Even though we are looking for the search terms only in some attributes, like the title, or the name, the Boolean search will show you results that have your search terms in the other attributes mentioned above too. 

So, if you can't find your search terms in the field that you want, open the Lead detailed view and you will find this in at least one of the attributes mentioned above

Let's see how you can run a Boolean search on the Leads page for all the three (AND, OR, and NOT) operators:

  1. Go to the Leads page on the Discovery tab
  2. For the AND operator, let's assume you are looking for leads who have both "Senior" and "Manager" in their Lead titles. In the search bar, type in "Senior+Manager" to look for leads who have both present in their lead titles. Note: Please don't use any spaces in between the search terms and the "+" sign. 
  3. For the OR operator, let's assume that you're looking for leads that have either "Senior" or "Manager" in their titles, but not both. In the search bar, type in "Senior|Manager" to look for leads who have either one title present in their "Lead Title" attribute. You might also find results that have these search terms in the other attributes mentioned above Note: Please don't use any spaces in between the search terms and the "|" sign. 
  4. For the NOT operator, let's assume that you are looking for leads that have "Senior" but not "Manager" in their Lead title. In the search bar, type in "Senior -Manager" to look for leads who have only "Senior" in their lead titles, but not "Manager". Note: Please leave a space after the first search term, and then use "-" operator without any spaces with the second search term.

Boolean Search on Company Page

The Boolean search on the Companies page on the Discover tab searches for the strings and operators on the following attributes to deliver your results. Your search terms can refer to any of these attributes listed below:

  • company_name,

  • company_website,

  • company_description,

  • technologies of company,

  • company_location

Let's see how you can run a Boolean search on the Company page for all the three (AND, OR, and NOT) operators:

  • Go to the Leads page on the Discovery tab
  • For the AND operator, let's assume you are looking for companies that have both "Taleo" and "Sparkhire" in their Company attributes (mainly names, and technologies used by the companies). In the search bar, type in "Taleo+Sparkhire" to look for companies that have both present. Note: Please don't use any spaces in between the search terms and the "+" sign. 
  • For the OR operator, let's assume that you're looking for companies that are either using "Taleo" or "Sparkhire" in their Company attributes, but not both. In the search bar, type in "Taleo|Sparkhire" to look for leads who have either one technology mentioned in their attributes. You might also find results that have these search terms in the other Company attributes mentioned above Note: Please don't use any spaces in between the search terms and the "|" sign. 
  • For the NOT operator, let's assume that you are looking for companies that have mentioned "Taleo" but not "Sparkhire" in their attributes (mainly technologies used). In the search bar, type in "Taleo -Sparkhire" to look for companies who have only "Taleo" in their attributes, but not "Sparkhire". Note: Please leave a space after the first search term, and then use "-" operator without any spaces with the second search term.

And you're done! We hope this article helps you use our Boolean search operators with ease!