Previous Step: Field Mapping

Now that you have successfully connected and mapped your HubSpot account, you can do the following:

  • Enriching contacts
  • Importing contacts in bulk
  • Enriching companies
  • Importing companies in bulk

Enriching Contacts

On your HubSpot account, you can either choose to Create a contact or Import multiple contacts at once. 

Note: For Contacts, a valid email address is mandatory for Slintel to be able to enrich mapped fields on HubSpot. 

Creating a contact

  1. Go to the Contacts page in your HubSpot account. 

  1. Click on Create contact.

  1. Enter the email address of the contact you want to create, fill in other details (if available), and click on Create contact once done. 

  1. Once you click on Create contact, it will take you to the contact page. Here, you will be able to see everything about the contact, including the fields you had mapped from the Slintel dashboard on the left. 

  1. Click on View all properties to see all the information about the contact.

Importing contacts in bulk

  1. To import contacts in bulk, click on Import in HubSpot.

  1. Click on Start an import.

  1. Select the File from computer option. Follow the instructions on the screen to upload and map columns for your contacts. 

  1. Once the import is complete, you will be able to see these under Contacts. All these contacts have been enriched with mapped data points from Slintel. 

Enriching Companies

Similarly for Companies, you can either choose to Create a company or Import multiple companies at once. 

Note: You need to enter both a Company Domain and a Company Name for Slintel to be able to enrich Companies on HubSpot with Slintel data points.

Creating a company

  1. Go to the Companies page from your HubSpot account. 

  1. Click on Create company here.

  1. Enter the Company Name and Company Domain, fill in other details (if available), and click on Create company

Note: If the company already exists on the Slintel database, it will automatically fill relevant form fields for you. 

  1. Once you click on Create company, it will take you to thecompany’s page. Here, you will be able to see everything about the company, including the fields you had mapped from the Slintel dashboard on the left. 

  1. Click on View all properties to see all the information about the company.

Importing Companies in bulk

  1. To import companies in bulk, click on Import on the Companies page on HubSpot.

  1. Click on Start an import.

  1. Select the File from computer option. Follow the instructions on the screen to upload and map columns for your contacts. 

  1. Once the import is complete, you will be able to see these under the Companies page. All the new companies you have imported have been enriched with mapped data points from Slintel.