We have confidence scores for Technologies and Psychographic data in addition to the intent scores on our dashboard. Our confidence scores are a result of calculations on a number of criteria. Here is how we arrive at confidence levels for Technologies andpsychographic data used by a company:
Technology: Function (Number of Sources + Type of Source + Last Detection Date of Technology)
Psychographics: Function (Number of Sources + Type of Source + Last Detection Date of Keyword)
The sources mentioned above include:
Digital footprint
Work summary
Technology Confidence Score
Let’s see how you find the confidence score for a technology
Login to your Slintel Dashboard
Go to the Technologies tab
Once here, look for the technology you want to see the technology confidence score for. You can simply type it in the search box or select one of your already followed technologies. For example, let’s select the technology “Adp”
Clicking on the name will take you to the respective Technology’s page.
Once here, go to the Companies tab. Here you will be able to see a corresponding score next to each company, which tells you how confident we are that the particular company is using this technology.
Psychographic Confidence Score
Similarly, for keyword confidence scores, let’s see how you can view these on the dashboard.
Go to the Psychographic tab
Once here, look for the keyword you want to see the confidence score for. You can simply type it in the search box or select one of your already followed terms/phrases. For example, let’s select the term “References”
Clicking on the name will take you to the respective keyword page.
Once here, go to the Companies tab. Here you will be able to see a corresponding score next to each company, which tells you how confident we are that the particular company is using this keyword.
Integration Settings
You can get these confidence scores on your Salesforce and Pipedrive accounts too. You can select and map either single or complete technologies and psychographic data used by a certain company, and get this data to reflect on your preferred CRM with ease. You can also find the full run-down here for Salesforce, and this for Pipedrive.